Is Chiropractic care for me?

April 25, 2011 5:00 am Published by

Is Chiropractic Care for me?  I often get asked the question “Do I really need to see I Chiropractor? I’m not in pain?/The pain isn’t THAT bad.”

Answer: Yes.

Your spine is an amazing bundle of nerve fibers and tissues that has a phenomenal way of transferring information from your brain to muscles and organs in your body. Your spinal bones protect this precious column from getting harmed and injured. Through activities of daily living, poor postural habits, or traumas such as car accidents and falls, one can obtain subluxations throughout their spine (slight misalignment of the vertebrae). When pressure is put on the spinal chord, there is a mis-firing of signals and communication from your brain to its muscles and nerves. Overtime, these mis-firings can cause changes within your body and decrease in overall spinal health.

We perform activities everyday that challenges our body and different stresses are put upon our spine. Whether it’s sitting in front of a computer for hours, running long distances, or playing with our children, the body goes through a lot of movement throughout our life time. Why wouldn’t you want your spine to be as healthy as it could be?

Chiropractic care restores function and movement in joints and helps relieve stress and tension that is put on nerves and muscles. I aid your body in restoring function, your body heals itself. Regular chiropractic treatments keeps your spine healthy for not only for the present, but for your future.

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This post was written by alkiwellness