Huang Qi

May 5, 2011 5:00 am Published by

Chinese herbs may not taste the best, but they sure are packed with a healthy punch.    I’d like to introduce you to one of my favorite herbs to use in my acupuncture practice called Huang Qi, or more commonly known in the states as Astragalus.  Typically, Chinese herbs are more powerful if taken in combination with other herbs and tailored for an individuals needs.  However, some herbs, like Huang Qi, may be taken by themselves to utilize their benefits.  Check it out!


If you are feeling run down, over worked and vulnerable to catching colds, Huang Qi is a great herb for you.  It has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties and can strengthen your immune system and help fight an existing bug.  I add Huang Qi to my home made chicken soup in the winter time to build my immune system during the cold and flu season.


Huang Qi is a great herb to relieve many symptoms experienced by women after childbirth.  It helps replenish energy and blood lost during pregnancy and delivery, and also reduces the fever often experienced in postpartum.  This ability to build the blood promotes healing and recovery time.  For this reason it is also a good herb for athletes and post surgery patients.


Huang Qi is useful for individuals with chronic degenerative disease or those with cancer and undergoing radiation or chemotherapy.  It helps the body withstand the damaging effects of the cancer treatment while not interfering with the destruction of the malignant cells.  It does so by protecting the adrenal cortical function and ameliorating bone marrow depression.  Studies report general immune stimulation that include increased stem cell generation of white blood cells and platelets, increased lymphocyte proliferation, increased numbers of antibody producing cells, increased number of spleen cells, stimulation of phagocytic activity by macrophages and leukocytes, and increased cytotoxicity by natural killer cells.


Recent clinical studies show that Huang Qi greatly benefits the cardiovascular system, improving conditions such as angina, congestive heart failure, and acute myocardial infarct.  Huang Qi is a powerful antioxidant and contains isoflavonoids and polyssacharides, which have been associated with free radical scavenging and prevention of free radical damage that contributes to cardiovascular diseases.  It also reduces high blood pressure by acting as a diuretic and reducing the pressure in your arteries and veins.

*Always consult a health professional before taking this herb.

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This post was written by alkiwellness