Define Wellness

April 28, 2011 5:00 am Published by

How would you define the word “wellness”?  It’s a little bit of a challenge to give a precise definition wouldn’t you agree?  For me personally, and for your team here at Alki Wellness as well as for our amazing patients – wellness goes far beyond a catch phrase used to entice you into buying a magazine or a sugar laden energy drink.  It is a lifestyle.

Let’s say that an idea comes to you – something that has the capacity to change the course of your life.  Maybe it’s that business that you’ve been thinking about starting, the cooking class that you’ve really wanted to take, or that hobby that has always interested you.  Ask yourself this, “Do you have the physical, mental and emotional energy for the undertaking, and more importantly – to see it all the way through?”  If not, then in my opinion, you are not truly “well”.  By all standard medical markers, you may be “healthy”, but true wellness has an intangible vibrancy to it.  You know when you are around people that have embraced a lifestyle with wellness as the central theme as you cannot help but feel energized yourself when you are around them!

Wellness, in my opinion, is the ability to energetically fund not only your current lifestyle, but the life of your dreams as well.

If you personally feel that if an opportunity like the one described above presented itself, and you would not have the physical, mental, emotion personal where-with-all to embrace is, moving you in the direction of your dreams, then please come see us at Alki Wellness and see us quickly – the very quality of the rest of your life may depend upon it.

It is our pleasure to continue to be of service to you.  Be well!

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This post was written by alkiwellness